Important Program Links
MS in Biotechnology Program Handbook 2021-2023 (pdf)
Course Schedule and Program Calendars
Division Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement
Numbered Citation Style (PDF)
Canvas (online course platform)
Wiscmail (campus email online)
PowerPoint Templates for Students
UW Libraries Resources

Biotechnology liaison, Paije Wilson, from the Ebling Health Sciences Library, has provided these links and web pages to assist students in finding information regarding life sciences, patent, business and legal resources via the campus library system.
Campus Libraries homepage
Ebling Health Sciences Library homepage
Biotechnology Research Guide
Pharmacy Research Guide
Citation Manager Resources through Ebling Library
If you have any questions on how to obtain information through the Health Sciences Library, feel free to contact Paije Wilson, Ebling Library Academic Librarian and the program’s biotechnology liaison.
Library Liaison to the M.S. in Biotechnology:
Paije Wilson
Academic Librarian
Video Introduction
Office: Ebling Library
750 Highland Ave
Madison, WI 53705
HSLC Room 2341
Phone: (608) 262-2372
Fax: (608) 262-4732
Maps to Key Locations
MGE Innovation Center
510 Charmany Drive, Madison, WI, 53719
BTC Institute
5445 E Cheryl Pkwy, Fitchburg, WI 53711
Biotech Websites & Databases
These biotechnology web sites have been collected by the program’s faculty to aid students as they progress through the degree program.
- UW databases through MADCAT (use drop down menu in upper left – “Take me to:”-> “E-resources/Databases” -> then can search by Alpha)
- PubMed
- Web of Knowledge
- Google Scholar
- The Inspec Database (engineering heavy database)
To search for an article:
- Select Databases tab (You will eventually be asked to log in with your NetID)
- Type in “Web of Knowledge” in Search line
- 7 databases should show up, click on Web of Knowledge
- Do a search and the citations should appear
- Just click on the “Find It” and if the UW has it, it should take you there.
On some occasions it will say the UW does not have the journal. If I really need the article, I will go the journal directly.
To find a journal:
Select the “Journals” tab and type in the journal you want. When you get to the journal and find what you want, there is normally a ‘PDF’ selection button. You can save or print the article.
- Windhover (Strategic Health Care Insight and Analysis)
- American Journal of Bioethics
- Bioethics News and Issues
- President’s Council on Bioethics
- National Institute of Health Bioethics Resources
- Medical College of Wisconsin Bioethics
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics
- Access Excellence Bioethics
- The Hastings Center Bioethics
- The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (UK)
- Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) SmartBrief
- Guide to Healthcare Schools: Guide to Bioethics Resources on the Web
- - US Securities and Exchange Commission
- Hoovers
- Lexis Nexis Academic
- Value Based Management.Net
- Google Finance
- Edgar Database (public company filings)
(can also use, but this is not free) - Databases linked through the business library website
(use drop down menu to access individual databases) - D & B Million Dollar database
(Good for company report that gives: number of employees, contacts, and company summaries) - Associations Unlimited
(Gives organization and societal information for topics of interest, such as the National Cancer Association, AAAS, etc.; Links to society web pages – use this to look at annual meetings and look at sponsors – these folks generally have money and might represent good potential leads for companies in same area and looking to potentially invest) - Datamonitor
- Onesource
(free one time trial is available; use “Analysts reports” – gives a nice market analysis report; has SWOT reports [Strength Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats reports]) - Wisconsin Technology Network
- Biotechnology Industry Organization
- Biotech Profiles, LLC
- (Monthly Madison area event)
Drug Discovery:
- Modern Drug Discovery
- Zebrafish Information Network
- GenomeWeb
- Cytogenetics Resources
- National Cancer Institute
- National Institutes of Health
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO)
- Patents and patent applications, Public PAIR at the USPTO
- European Patent Database
- Japanese Patent Abstracts
- Patent Lens
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Google Patents
- National Institute of Health Office of Technology Transfer
- Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF)
General Legal Resources
- Findlaw (legal information and lawyer profiles)
- Thomas (legislative information from the Library of Congress)
- United States House of Representatives
- United States Senate
- National Conference of State Legislatures
- United States Code (federal statutes)
- The U.S. Supreme Court
Regulatory Agencies and Associations
- United States Food and Drug Administration
- European Medicines Agency
- International Conference on Harmonization
- European Commission – Enterprise and Industry
- Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Regulatory Professional Organizations
- Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
- Drug Information Association
- Parenteral Drug Association
- International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
- American Society for Quality
Regulatory Online Publication Websites
- - National Center for Biotechnology Information
- BioBase Knowledge Library
- ExPASy ENZYME (Enzyme nomenclature database)
- InterPro (database of predictive protein “signatures”)
- WorldWide Protein Databank
- PubChem
- ZINC (free database of commercially-available compounds for virtual screening)
- BRENDA (comprehensive enzyme information system)
- Stat!Ref
- MD Consult
- Trip Database (clinical search designed to identify highest quality clinical evidence)
- ToxNet (databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and toxic releases)
- Biotech Rumor Mill
- University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center