Michele Smith
Credentials: M.S. in Biotechnology, SCT (ASCP)
Position title: Graduate Program Manager
M.S. in Biotechnology Program (in-person)
M.S. in Applied Biotechnology (online)
Capstone Certificate in Applied Bioinformatics
School of Medicine and Public Health
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Email: michele.smith@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-9753
M.S. in Biotechnology Program Office
MGE Innovation Center
505 South Rosa Rd, Suite 118
Madison, WI

Michele Smith graduated from the Master of Science Biotechnology Program in 2011 and comes from the Cytotechnology Certificate Program at UW-Madison, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene with her two final projects focusing on biofuels and the development of a new anticoagulation therapy.
Michele has been a cytotechnologist for over 25 years working in all aspects of cytopathology from bench to management and education. Most recently, Michele served as the Program Director for the Cytotechnology Certificate Program at UW-Madison, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene as well as the manager of cytology services. Over the last 11 years, Michele has graduated over 80 students who have gone on in the fields of cytopathology, nursing, veterinary medicine, anatomic pathology, and the biotech industry. As part of the state’s public health laboratory, Michele focused on women’s health in terms of cervical cancer screening and HPV testing. Michele has developed a digital library for clinicians and pathology professionals where they are able to access case studies that follow diagnostics and treatment planning for patients with cervical patient abnormalities by linking together Pap test, HPV test, and biopsy test results, whole slide imaging, and colposcopy images.
Michele continues to serve on many committees for cytopathology and clinical pathology professional societies including the American Society for Clinical Pathologists (scholarship committee chair), The American Society of Cytopathology (scientific program committee; e-conference committee; policy guideline committee), and the American Society for Cytotechnology (education chair; program committee chair; president and current immediate past president). Michele has presented locally as well as nationally in the areas of cervical cancer screening and HPV testing, molecular diagnostics for the clinical lab, and using strengths for professional development in the laboratory.
As an M.S. in Biotechnology alumna, Michele was able to catapult her multiple roles as a cytopathology professional and educator into the biotechnology industry. She has fostered relationships with BTC Institute to provide hands-on education for cytotechnology students; assisted students to bridge the morphology/molecular gap to find jobs in the industry; and worked with Third Wave, Hologic, and Roche Nimblegen to bring in diagnostic assays into a public health laboratory.
Michele works with the students, faculty, and industry stakeholders to ensure that questions are answered, needs are met, and the future is expanded.