Hundreds of Biotech Job Openings in Madison, Wisconsin

Map of local biotech companies in the Madison area
The locations of some of Madison’s largest biotech companies

Originally prepared by Bryan Husk: January 9, 2018
Last update: September 21, 2022

Job openings return to pre-pandemic numbers, but Madison biotech companies still competing for scientific talent recruitment and retention.

Biotechnology companies in Madison, Wisconsin and surrounding Dane County have experienced staggering growth since 2015. Continuously sampling the largest local biotech companies revealed steady employment growth between January 2018 to September 2022 with roughly 500 job openings at any given moment.

The COVID-19 pandemic fueled growth in Wisconsin’s leading biotech sector even further. Biotechnology job openings doubled in Dane County during the pandemic, peaking at +1,000 in October 2021 and holding at +800 in March 2022.

The latest Madison biotech job opening numbers show a return to pre-pandemic levels, but still showing solid job growth at nearly 500 job openings in September 2022. 

Whether you are an entry-level bench scientist or a senior executive, this surge in growth and employment presents an enormous opportunity for career advancement.

Madison Biotechnology Job Opportunity Highlights

Biotechnology Company # Jobs 9/21/2022 # Jobs 3/24/2022 # Jobs 10/6/2021 # Jobs 3/19/2021 # Jobs 2/20/2020 # Jobs 9/24/2019 # Jobs 2/5/2019 # Jobs 7/19/2018 # Jobs 1/9/2018
BioForward Biohealth Career Page (multiple) (multiple) (multiple) (multiple) (multiple) (multiple) (multiple) (multiple) (multiple)
ABS Global 28 29 20 10 20
Accuray 40 46 45 58 35 12 24 15 24
Aldevron 16 18 15 16 12 9
Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals 20 26 23 25 19 17 8 7 7
Catalent 58 127 113 139 18 38 27 31 57
FUJIFILM CDI 12 20 19 10 9 4 5 14 26
Labcorp Drug Development (formerly Covance) 70 66 110 86 76 72 55 57 59
DNAStar 1 2 1 1 1 0 ~8 ~8
IFF (formerly DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences) 15 17 14 8 7 8 8 7 5
Elephas Bio 7 17 8
Eurofins 33 38 35 19 28 18 18
Exact Sciences 54 119 223 131 99 172 162 77 81
Illumina 13 28 41 7 8 4 4 10 8
Imbed Biosciences 5
IntelliGen Technologies (see ABS Global) 29 28 13 6 20 12
Invenra 4 14 17 8 0 6
LGC Biosearch Technologies (formerly Lucigen) 5 12 8 13 5 1 3 4 4
Luminex 4 6 4 7 2 0 1 4 4
MilliporeSigma 14 30 49 28 12 9 5 9 12
PPD 15 73 164 102 66 60 75 98 64
Promega Corporation 54 61 63 32 33 24 36 47 50
Scientific Protein Laboratories 5 10 11 11 11 4 11 12 7
Mallinckrodt (Stratatech) 6 11 9 5 4 6 5 2 NA
Thermo Fisher Scientific 16 39 49 35 30 26 15 11 35
Total Job Openings 495 838 1,069 763 501 511 474 413 451

This is the most favorable hiring climate in history for those seeking work in Madison’s biotechnology industry.

A significant number of local biotechnology companies like CatalentCellular DynamicsEurofinsExact SciencesIlluminaMallinckrodtPPD and Promega have opened or broken ground on new and expanded facilities to meet extraordinary demand for their products [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. Conversations with area biotech leaders suggest these growing companies are prepared to open hundreds of additional new positions as new facilities and expanded operations come online.

As local biotech companies continue rapid growth, they are under increasing pressure and competition to locate, hire and retain talented workers with the cross-functional skills and specialized knowledge highly sought after in the biotech industry.

Many biotechnology companies offer tuition reimbursement to attract and retain talented employees.

Companies are finding and keeping their most talented employees by supporting their career development through education in advanced degree programs likes the M.S. in Biotechnology from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. Consistent with this corporate strategy, most students in the M.S. in Biotechnology Program working full time receive tuition support from their employer for at least a portion of their tuition, if not the total cost.

Since the degree was launched in 2002, biotechnology companies have recognized the value of the program’s industry-focused curriculum. Corporate leaders with employees in the program praise students who can apply functional knowledge of business, legal and regulatory frameworks toward their company’s push to development, manufacture and commercialize new biotechnology products.

How does this effect you?

If you are biotechnology professionals in Madison:

Apply to the M.S. in Biotechnology program to help accelerate your career potential. Most M.S. in Biotechnology graduate students work full time while obtaining their degree. Reach out to your mentors and discuss how your goals fit within your company’s strategic plans. Work with them to gain company support so that you can achieve educational and employment success. Don’t forget to ask about your employer’s tuition reimbursement policy.

If you are considering relocating to Madison:

The biotechnology community is always looking for new talent. Qualified applicants to the M.S. in Biotechnology program are very likely to find full-time employment within the local biotechnology community. Contact the M.S. in Biotechnology Program to help you determine which local biotech companies best match for your background and experience and present you with the most favorable opportunities for hire.

If you have an interest in biotechnology:

You’ve probably already thought about working in the biotechnology industry. Now is the ideal time to make that career leap! Get invaluable work experience and consider applying to the M.S. in Biotechnology graduate degree program. Contact the M.S. in Biotechnology Program to determine how you can get started working in the fast-paced, rapidly expanding field of biotechnology.

Apply now for the coming Fall semester.

All economic indicators suggest that 2021-22 will be another record-setting year for Madison’s regional biotechnology industry. Make this the year you grow your career in the field that is transforming the world and apply for Fall admission to the Master of Science in Biotechnology Program at the University of Wisconsin—Madison.

Cited Press Releases

[1] “PPD boosts biopharma in the Madison area,” Wisconsin State Journal, June 2, 2018.

[2] “Promega Corp.’s $190 million R&D center to be architecturally unique,” Wisconsin State Journal, July 15, 2018.

[3] “New $60 million corporate headquarters is proposed for Exact Sciences,” Wisconsin State Journal, June 16, 2018.

[4] “Here’s why Exact Sceinces soared 42.8% in January,” Feb 4, 2019. The Motley Fool.

[5] “Illumina expands its Madison production facility,” Wisconsin State Journal, June 11, 2015.

[6] “Illumina construction,” University Research Park, May 4, 2017.

[7] “Promega’s newest building, the Kepler Center, opens for business,” Wisconsin State Journal, November 29, 2015.

[8] “Catalent Biologics to expand Madison operations, add 100 jobs,” Wisconsin State Journal, October 22, 2016.

[9] “Stem cell company Cellular Dynamics expands and relocates new headquarters,”, January 3, 2017.

[10] “After buying Covance food testing unit, Eurofins plans to build $35M complex near Dane County Regional Airport,” Wisconsin State Journal, November 18, 2018.

[11] “Exact Sciences $.28 biollion acquisition causes ripples in medicine, biotech, and finance alike,” The Capital Times, July 31, 2019.

[12] “FDA Decision Expands Market for Exact Sciences’ Cologuard Test,”, September 23, 2019.

[13] “Fujifilm Cellular Dynamics prepares to open ‘cleanroom’ facility,” Wisconsin State Journal, September 15, 2019.

[14] “Stratatech hopes $28 million expansion propels growth in skin-tissue business,” Wisconsin State Journal, April 29, 2019.